So, it's the middle of the month and I've not posted much.
I've been working on my Bastion and it's definitely been an experience. I'll try to get some pictures posted later this week.
To say that I've learned how to do it better next time is an understatement. Using super glue rather than plastic glue for this thing has caused me a major headache (part of which, I'm sure is from letting the thing dry in my room) in addition to far more filing and gap filling than is normally necessary with these models.
At any rate, the first and second story are on and attached. I'm in the process of adding the roof and the crenelations. One that's done, it's just a matter of painting the add on bitz like the Skull Probes, Laser Cannon, Escape Hatch and wierd communication thingy.
Once this piece is done, I'm planning to do up the Crusader I started simply on the grounds that it's a nice, small project.
We also had a tourney yesterday. I didn't want to bring a bunch of Orks, so I had Sean do me a Chaos list.
Fabius Bile
10 Possessed
8 Raptors - Mark of Nurgle, Melta Gun, Flame Thrower
10 Chaos Space Marines - Laser Cannon, Plasma Gun
10 Chaos Space Marines - Laser Cannon, Plasma Gun
3 Chaos Spawn
10 Blinged Out Terminator Champions with the Mark of Tzeentch
Everything but the Spawn was enhanced.
It was an entertaining list to be sure.
A couple of my units got into fights with themselves and my two troop choices wound up losing a model a turn in the first game due to their monstrous enhancements. Would have been fine if it hadn't been an objective mission.
At the end of the day, I took Best Presentation, which oddly fit since I was the one who painted the majority of the models I'd used. Sean took Best Overall, so now he's won every trophy at least once. In terms of generalship, I lost all of the games, but it was fun. Having a couple of Deep Striking units was pretty neat, though the concept of armour saves was a little strange. I usually don't have to worry about those with my Orks.