The Apocalypse Game (or more accurately the speed painting trying to get ready for it) dulled my desire to paint for a week or two.
I finished up one of Sean's Possessed and promptly put my Big Mek with the Shokk Attack Gun and the rest of the Possessed aside. It turned out I was less burned out on painting than burned out on painting those models. Sounds a little silly I know, but there it is.
To that end, I picked up a piece that I thought would be kind of goofy and fun to play around with. I figured it was go big or go home, so I went for the biggest......the biggest hair in 40K that is.......Jain Zar!
I did he up to match (somewhat) with the
Mirror Sword Exarch I did for Mike. The pose is just plain nutty, but the model turned out alright.

With Jain Zar done, I decided to change my pace from Orky Green and Chaosy.....uhhh....Chaos and look to getting a small force of Witch Hunters ready to put on the table.

Yep, apparently, in the grim darkness of the distant future, there is only models and paint. Who knew?
So, it came down to what I already have and what I need.
If I'm going to take my Witch Hunters to legal games, then I need my HQ and two troops.
Good news here! I've got an Inquisitor and a Preacher painted, plus a small batch of henchmen! Actually, that's great news for early games since and Inquisitor Lord and buffed up Retinue can actually compete with a kitted up Mob of Nobz in terms of soaking up points. I might not be able to do the exact HQ build I want, but I've definitely got one to field for my early games with the army.
Now for Troops...........crud.
I can go with Inquisitorial Stormtroopers or Battle Sisters. Really no contest here, the Battle Sister models rock far more than the Stormtroopers. I also do have some Sisters that V painted up for me. She went with kind of an Order of the Sacred Rose scheme with reddish/burgundy robes rather than black. I've got to admit, it looks seriously good. They're not a full unit, but they're a good start.
In that picture, I've got the following models:
Sister Superior with Plasma Pistol
Sister Superior with Power Maul and Combi-Bolter
Battle Sister with Flamer
Battle Sister with Storm Bolter
Battle Sister with Imaginifier
3 Battle Sisters with Bolters
I also have two Battle Sisters with Heavy Bolters that I've finished up.
So, to turn this into two troop choices, I need to get the following models painted up from my To Paint Box:
3 Battle Sisters to finish up the first unit.
To complete the second unit, I definitely need some more models painted:
6 Battle Sisters
1 Battle Sister with Imaginifier
2 Battle Sisters with Heavy Flamers
Also nearby on the to do list are:
Battle Sister with Flamer
Battle Sister with Meltagun
Sister Superior with Plasma Pistol
That will give me two reasonably identical and very bury Battle Sister squads.
I'll be able to round out the rest of the army with Assassins and a Penitent Engine at this point.
So, all in all, a nice start and I'm finding the smaller models somewhat refreshing compared to the bulkier Chaos and Ork stuff.