Thursday, May 14, 2009

Big Bang Theory & The Battlewagon

Well, a second recommendation from work and this one is a swing and a miss, though I might give it another kick later on. We shall see. I'm beginning to think that I might be designed out of modern sitcoms (with the exception of How I Met Your Mother, but hey, Barney is awesome). Anyway, back to Big Bang Theory; I found this one much like True Blood, just uninteresting. Sad folks in general, but that accomplishes the fundamental effect of TV, making a person feel better about themselves.

On the Battlewagon, it's going on hold for at least a couple of days. It's shaping up a little too normal looking and I want to prevent that and get a better idea of what I want. I sort of started building hoping it would come together and that's not the best idea ever.

Anyway, I'll be back on it once I get a proper idea of what's what. In the meantime, I've plenty of other things to paint.

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