Monday, May 4, 2009

Reading of Late

I picked up The Wanderer from the bargain bin and that one was proof that some books belong there. Maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea, I don't really know, but it definitely goes into the fairly short list of books that I've no inclination to finish.

On a brighter note though, after the OK showing of Mechanicum (I wanted to read about more crazy Ad Mech weapons and such than were in the book), I picked up a couple of other 40K novels. I'm in the midst of Scourge the Heretic and while it looks like a 400 odd page ad for Dark Heresy, it's at least entertaining. The real gems I've stumbled on so far are the various Space Wolves books from Lee Lightner. One could argue that they're not literary masterpieces, but they're fast paced, possessed of good imagry and the stories are entertaining. I enjoyed Wolf's Honour, so I picked up Sons of Fenris and have pretty much consigned myself to reading the books in reverse order.

On the modelling side, I'm frankensteining a Chimera and a Basilisk together to make a suitably klanky and smoke belching Battlewagon. It's been entertaining so far and it's my first time using plasticard, so that part has been pretty interesting. I've dumped the Earth Shaker Cannon into my bitz bin to eventually create a suitably Orky gatling artillery cannon. Obviously I need to get better at scratch building and obtain a few more Earth Shakers, but I'm dreaming big!

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